Youth Homelessness Statistics

  • 1 in 5 Canadians experiencing homelessness are youth between the ages of 13 to 24
  • 40% of homeless youth in Canada first experienced homelessness before the age of 16
  • Young individuals who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+ are disproportionately represented, with one-third of Canada’s homeless youth identifying as part of this group

Why are youth-specific homelessness services important?

Youth homelessness differs from adult homelessness in its causes, impacts, and the types of interventions required.

Street-involved youth face a sixfold increase in victimization compared to the general population.

The longer a young person is homeless, the greater their risk of dropping out of school, experiencing sexual exploitation, trauma, and developing addictions.

Services are most effective when they are tailored to youth and are developmentally appropriate. Young people are more likely to thrive and transition successfully into adulthood when they receive guidance and mentorship from caring adults, as well as support from networks and communities.

Identities of Homeless Youth in Canada

Racialized (BIPOC)